Monday, April 12, 2010

Hey you! Recycle please!

I just recently became a recycler. I'm not sure that's a word but since I'm amongst friends, I'll use it. I was never into it until my boyfriend moved in with his brother, who also recycles. I remember having a cardboard "recycling box" in my classrooms in high school, which were usually just  old tv boxes. Recycling in itself I suppose. However, in my adult life, I was never contientious about it. Well now, NOW, I am Mother Earth's little helper and it's SO easy! The apartment community I live in does not have anywhere for its' residents to recycle. It's very annoying and irresponsible but I've come to expect such things from them. There's a park though, right around the corner and they have recycling bins and that is where I go. I just took an old crate and turned it into my recycling bin and I save all my eligible material and take it there once a week. It's not at all the hassle I thought it would be because the park is on my way to work. The biggest thing I've done, and what I'm going to suggest to you all, was a small start. I bought resuable shopping bags. Trust me, it was a big deal. I spend way too much time and money in Target. I was bringing home tons of plastic bags each week. When I decided to be better about "going green," I just bought one bag each shopping trip. Target has them for $0.99 and they give you  $0.05 off for every bag you resue, even if it's an old plastic bag. Every place has these bags (even the dollar stores) and it's a little way for us all to start small and clean things up a bit. I even bought a resuable IU bag (go Hoosiers)! So grab some bags, save your beer cans and cereal boxes and please, PLEASE RECYCLE. Every little bit does help :)